5 tips on becoming Self Employed


Rebuild your Network

You may have spent years building your current network around your industry and employed role however as soon as you take that step in to self-employment it is essential that you start over again understanding that you now represent a different proposition and one that will hold different values to those in your network moving forward.

How quickly you harness the knowledge, resource and support from a rebuilt network will play a significant factor in your success.


Don’t wait

Do as much as you can in advance, form partnerships and alliances that will give you a great head start. If you are able to, this may mean some long days in employment so you are in effect doing your employed and self-employed roles at the same time – definitely use your notice period wisely (don’t kick back). The worst thing you can do is wait until day one to start building your business.

Your business idea should be fully operational and trading on day one, before would be better though!


Revisit your Plan

It can be challenging to pull a plan together, however it’s really easy to move away from it. No matter what your intentions are when you start out, your business is yet to test itself in the marketplace.  Review your actual against plan, and not just the figures, at regular intervals. It may well be that your business plan needs to change to cater for new opportunities that arise.

Be prepared to rip it up and start over again, it’s unchartered waters until you trade and you can’t plan for all eventualities.


Be Adaptable

Unless you have a license to print money, go into your business venture with an open mind, listen to as many different views and dispose of pre-conceived conceptions. The truth is that you will be in a whole new exciting experience and you cannot afford to deny yourself for your business of opportunities as a result of your steadfastness to your very personal business plan.

Keep those ears open, neither discount or embrace something until you’ve really considered the true benefit to your business or venture.



Choose your partners wisely

It’s your business and it’s set up and running positively. All of a sudden you will start to get people or organisations wanting to work collaboratively with you in return for profile, association or data sharing. Consider these wisely as some will have benefit, others will be a drain and most will have little or no impact.

Pick your winners – your energy and resource will be required making your business a success and not someone else’s unless it has a direct benefit to your business.